Monday, January 30, 2012

My Call

I was conflicted for a couple of weeks about posting this poem. It is deep, raw, real and potentially volatile. It is very important to me, however, and I feel it expresses well something God has recently made clear to me is a call upon my life. I love how it turned out, and after spending some time holding it close to my heart, I have decided it's time to post it and allow others to read it and hear yet another facet of my heart. I hope you will enjoy it and hear & feel the emotion and sentiment behind it; if need be, sit with it awhile and let it resonate within you as I did. :) 
[Also, I must preface it by saying it is not about any person in particular, rather many women.]

My Call

She is lonely & despondent,
Frightened and ashamed,
Because others have judged harshly
Without understanding her pain.
Years spend in hiding
And wondering who she is,
When she finally finds an answer
They say she cannot be His.
Ironic, is it not,
That escaping one closet
Sends her into another,
To church in solitary confinement?
She too, deserves to feel God's love,
To experience fellowship & touch;
To join a congregation and sing,
Is acceptance asking too much?
I am called to be His hands & feet,
To love all of God's people;
So I open my arms and my heart
To she who has suffered such evil.
I can show her my Jesus,
Who is so different than religion,
Loves her unconditionally
And sees her with His vision.
The God of all redemption
Who bestows mercy & grace,
Calls her His daughter,
Looks lovingly on her face.
And so I will seek her out
To be her steadfast friend;
I'll care for her as my Savior would
And help her injured heart mend.


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